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Urban + Suburban pass

  • On which lines are valid: On all GTT urban and suburban lines (including metro) within the boundaries of the first suburban ring. They are not valid for travel on interurban bus routes or railway lines beyond the urban+suburban zone; in that case, extra-urban fares are applied.
  • Where to purchase: Go to Points of sale section.
  • How to use them: Go to ticket and season ticket use.

► City ticket - € 1,90 digital / € 2,00 chip on paper medium

validatore pagamento contactlesstomove cell rid

city 100 ridAvailable on chip-on-paper medium (tickets are purchasable at authorized outlets and at vending machines placed within metro stations), on mobile through ToMove app.
It is also purchasable by using contactless bank cards (on Mastercard and Visa networks) at enabled turnstiles across the metro and on board buses on routes 6, 8, 11, 12, 17/, 19, 19N, 33, 35, 38, 44, 55, 56, 58, 58/, 61, 63/, 64, 68, 71, 74, 84, CP1, OB1, SE1, SE2, SM2. It is valid for 100 minutes starting from the first validation and a single journey on the metro.
It must only be used by one person and validated each time the user boards a Bus/tram or enters the metro within the validity period.
If brought through ToMove app, it can be used within 365 days of the time of purchase.


► MultiCity - € 11,80

multicity rid6-city-ticket electronic carnet, it is available on chip-on-paper medium.
Each of the six ticket is valid for 100 minutes and a single journey on the metro.
It must only be used by one person and must be validated each time the user boards a bus/tram within the validity period.
It is purchasable at GTT authorized outlets, at vending machines placed within metro stations or through ToMove app.
It can be used within 365 days of the time of purchase.


► Daily - € 3,70 digital - 4,50 chip on paper medium

tomove cell riddaily ridDaily ticket available on chip-on-paper medium.
It is valid for an unlimited number of journeys in a single day, starting from the first validation until the end of the service on the entire GTT urban and suburban network.
It must only be used by one person and must be validated each time the user boards a bus/tram within the valdity period.
It is purchasable at GTT authorized outlets and at vending machines located whithin metro stations.
If bought through ToMove app, it costs € 3,00 and can be used within 365 days of the time of purchase.


► MultiDaily 7 - € 21,00

tomove cell rid7-daily-ticket electronic carnet.
It is purchasable through ToMove app and it is valid for an unlimited number of journeys in a single day, starting from the first validation until the end of the service on the entire GTT urban and suburban network for 7 days, even non-consecutive.
It must only be used by one person and must be validated each time the user boards a bus/tram within the validity period. It can be used within 365 days of the time of purchase.


► Daily x4 - € 12,00 digital - 14,80 chip on paper medium

daily x4tomove cell ridThis ticket is valid for a group of up to 4 people travelling together.
Valid for an unlimited number of journeys in a single day, strating from the first validation until the end of the service day on the entire GTT urban and suburban network. Validate in each time you board a bus/tram or enter the metro.


► Special “Tour” ticket valid for 48/72 hours € 9,50/12,50

cop speciale 704 ridAvailable on chip-on-paper medium, the fare is determined at the time of purchase.
It is valid for 48/72 hours from the first validation on urban and suburban lines (metro included).
It must only be used by one person and must be validated each time the user boards a bus/tram within the validity period.
It is purchasable at GTT authorized outlets and at vending machines located whithin metro stations.


Under 26 pass

  • tessere bip studentiWho can purchase them? Every young adult aged up to 26 years old. 
  • On which lines are they valid? on urban and suburban lines (metro included).
  • Where can I purchase them for the first time? Under 26 passes are loaded onto BIP card. You can purchase the BIP card through GTT e-commerce together with the annual or monthly pass: in this case the pass loaded  onto the card will be delivered to your home address. The day after the purchase, the season ticket can be activated by touching the smart card on the specific  readers located on trams and articulated  buses, at GTT metro Stations and GTT Customer Services Centres. As an alternative, you can purchase the smart card and the pass at Customer Service Centers (you can book an appointment through Ufirst app or website): BIP card has an additional cost of € 5,00 (document management cost). In this case, the pass will already be active and ready to use.
  • Where can I renew them? Online, at authorized outlets, at ticket vending machines placed in metro stations, at Sanpaolo and Unicredit ATMs.
  • How can I use them? They are loaded onto BIP smartcards, they are personal and can be used without time restrictions and for an unlimited number of journeys. They must be validated at the start of each journey, every time you board a vehicle, or enter the metro.
  • Have you lost your BIP card or it has been stolen or it does not work?  Download the form to obtain a duplicate (Pdf.).

Under 26 annual pass – Ordinary rate € 258,00

Personal pass for young adults aged under 26. Valid on GTT urban + suburban area (Pdf).

It can be purchased in any month. It is loaded onto a BIP smartcard.

It can be financed. For furhter information please visit the credit institution website or call it at 011 65 99 631 - 011 79 74 58 - 0124 42 55 07.

► Under 26 monthly pass – Ordinary rate € 25,00

Personal pass for young adults aged under 26 (it can be activated and used not later than the month in which the passholder turns 26. 

Valid on GTT urban + suburban area (Pdf) for a calendar month: from the 28th day of the preceding one until the last day of the nominal month.

It is issued as an electronic ticket and loaded onto a BIP smartcard.

Train + Public Transport in Turin

"Integrato B" ticket € 4,50integratoB rid cop

Valid for 120 minutes from its validation on GTT urban and suburban network (including a single journey on the metro and on GTT and TRENITALIA railway networks (1 journey) within the outer boundary of the second suburban ring (Cirè-San Benigno-Brandizzo_Villastellone-None-Rosta railway stations). It is valid also on all the lines managed by EXTRA.TO, limited to the routes connecting Turin to CirIè-S. Maurizio-S. Benigno- Volpiano-None-Rosta. It can be purchased from the Tourist Promotion Office located in the Arrivals area (open every day from 8.30AM to 7.00PM) or at the travel agency located in the Departures area of the airport.


















Lines and timetables for the urban routes or the suburban routes

Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A Turati 19/6, 10128 Torino - tel. 011.57.641 e-mail:
R.I. di Torino e Codice Fiscale 08555280018 - P. IVA 08559940013 - Pec:
Info sul sito: Information Technology GTT - Redazione web, via Manin 17, 10153 Torino

Telefonia mobile 0110672000 Numero verde GTT 800019152 - Solo da telefono fisso